Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box (true single phase)

Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box (true single phase)


If you love RVs, the Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box is perfect for you. This Box improves the power quality of RVs and travel trailers by stabilizing voltage, preventing power surges, reducing EMF for sensitive people, and enhancing your travel experience more than the Heavy Duty Box. It's easy to install, safe, and helps your RV and its electrical equipment last longer.

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The Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box (true single phase) is a plug and play system. This Box improves power quality for RVs and trailers by stabilizing voltage, preventing power surges, reducing EMF for sensitive users, and enhancing your travel experience beyond the Heavy Duty Box. We offer units designed for your RV, Travel Trailer, or Camper. Enjoy clean, responsible energy in your RV, whether from the grid, solar, or generator. The Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box filters out dirty electricity and protects you and your family from its harmful effects, commonly produced by appliances in RVs, Travel Trailers, or Campers.

  • battery charger

  • inverter

  • electric refrigerator

  • propane refrigerator with electronic controls

  • electric water heater

  • propane hot water heater with electronic controls

  • electric stove

  • air conditioner

  • electric space heater

  • DC motors (fans, etc.)

  • low-energy light bulbs

  • computer, television, etc

The Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box (true single phase) has allowed electrosensitive people to recover their health even when traveling! If surges are coming through and damaging your electronics, the hum from lights drive you mad, you want to reduce EMF in your RV environment and would like to implement responsible Solar Power into your RV, Travel Trailer or Camper then the Super Duty Power Perfect RV Box (true single phase) will fix all those things and more!

Aqua Saver Power Perfect Single Phase Ø resized-image-Promo.jpeg

Aqua Saver Power Perfect Single Phase Ø

EMF Travel Kit 2emfe.jpg

EMF Travel Kit

Power Perfect 3 Phase Ø HD 208V 210mF unnamed (2).jpg

Power Perfect 3 Phase Ø HD 208V 210mF

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Gen III Standard Power Perfect Single Phase Ø

Heavy Duty Power Perfect 230/240VAC EU Power+Perfect+Box+Graphic.jpg

Heavy Duty Power Perfect 230/240VAC EU
