Returns and Exchanges

When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. Your refund and how your refund is issued may differ based on the condition of the item(s), how long you’ve had the item(s), and how the item(s) was purchased.

The following conditions apply to returns:

  • All item packaging, documentation (boxes, manuals, warranty cards, etc.), and certificates of authenticity and grading must be returned with the returned items.

  • Return unopened items with seals intact in original packaging within 30 days for a refund or exchange. No exceptions.

  • Refunds are not available for shipping (to or from) for any products. Customer also pays any return shipping fees.

  • Any returned products incur a 20% restocking fee, which we pass on to the customer because we are charged this fee by the manufacturer. Check before returning your item.

Before mailing your return, you will need to reach out to us via email at to submit the following essential pieces of information for our review process: your specific order number, the date of purchase, and the reason for your desire to return the item. You can also use the following link to submit the information on the online portal page here: return request form.

Once your return request is approved, you will promptly receive a unique RTM number that you must include when sending your item(s) back to us. If you happen to not receive an RTM number and/or it is not clearly identified in or on the returned shipment, we will unfortunately need to return the shipment back to you.